Whether you have a Green Cheek Conure, a Sun Conure, or any other wonderful variety of this popular breed of parrot, bird toys are a necessity for their health and well-being. We know that it can sometimes be difficult to find that just-right toy, so we've compiled a list of the top choices of bird toys available for conures in 2025.
Let's get started!
10. Sola Surprise by Super Bird Creations

Why we love it:
Sola is a natural, super-light aquatic plant that is non-toxic to conures. It's squish, soft texture is an absolute favorite of birds, and conures are definitely no exception! Balsa is another favorite, and this toy has plenty of both to keep your flock busy.
9. Yucca & Balsa Party Mini by Cheep Thrills Bird Toys

Why we love it:
Like sola and balsa, yucca is natural and an excellent alternative to harder woods that are oftentimes left alone and un-played with. Yucca is very soft, with a crispy outer bark that conures love to whittle away at. Yucca & Balsa Party is stacked with layers of yucca and balsa, and is available in a mini size, and a regular size for the bit more aggressive chewers.
8. Blast Off by Cheep Thrills Bird Toys

Why we love it:
Blast Off is loaded with mahogany pod slices, which is a seed pod that conures really love to shred. This is an entirely natural toy, which we promote whenever possible.
7. Haystack by Super Bird Creations

Why we love it:
Haystack is a tight stack of thin, colorful balsa and fun raffia flowers that conures love to preen like a feather.
6. Natural Birdie Waffle by Cheep Thrills Bird Toys

Why we love it:
Any toy with nooks and crannies is awesome for promoting foraging, which is what a conure does in the wild for most of their day. The Natural Birdie Waffle has tons of spaces to tuck treats of all kinds, including nuts, berries, and other small goodies that your conure will love to find.
5. Bird Kabob Original by Wesco Pet

Why we love it:
Wesco has been making their wonderful Bird Kabob toys for decades, and the Original is still one of the best toys available for small birds. Simplicity is key with this one, and if you have a yucca lover in your flock, we highly recommend the Bird Kabob!
4. Triple Scoop by Cheep Thrills Bird Toys

Why we love it:
Any toy with a Sola Atta Ball on it is usually a winner, and the Triple Scoop has three to shred! Frilly, natural papers add a fun crunch and it's the perfect size for larger conures, like a Sun Conure.
3. Mug Tug by Cheep Thrills Bird Toys

Why we love it:
While you won't find too many plastic toys on our list, the Mug Tug is constructed with a hard plastic that is easily washed. The mugs provide fun foraging spots, plus that extra "clank" when shaken, which lots of conures love.
2. Quirky Corky by Cheep Thrills Bird Toys

Why we love it:
Let's talk about corks! Cork is a natural bark that is a renewable source since it grows back after being removed from the tree. We never recommend using wine corks, or compressed corks! The corks used on the Quirky Corky are formed without glues or other dangerous adhesives, and there is no chance of dangerous tannins from wine soaking into them. The Quirky Corky is also fully refillable as well, making it our second-to-best pick for conures everywhere.
1. Foraging Flats by Cheep Thrills Bird Toys

Why we love it:
When selecting the best toy for your conure, it isn't always just about what they will chew up; it's about what keeps them mentally stimulated and happy. Conures are foraging creatures, which means that they spend almost their entire day searching for hidden berries and other morsels to eat. That's what makes Foraging Flats so great for them -- it is a fun way to replicate wild foraging habits, simply by sprinkling their favorite food or treats inside and watching them go wild! And, with a variety of styles to choose from, your conure will never be bored again!
Final Thoughts:
We hope that you've found our top picks inspiring! If you have any questions about anything you've read, or if you would like more recommendations, we would be happy to help. Simply visit the Contact Us page any time, and drop us a line with a little bit of information about your flock and we will be happy to lend a hand with selecting safe, fun, and appropriate toys.